Jewelry on The Move: Taking Your Jewelry On Vacation
Have you taken your summer vacation yet? If you’ve got one in the works, I bet you’ve spent a bit of time thinking about what you’ll be wearing while you relax at the beach or enjoy exploring your destination. You may have even purchased a brand new swimsuit, pair of shoes, or dress to tuck into your suitcase. But what about jewelry? You can’t just go without – at least I can’t.
I know that traditional wisdom dictates that you leave your jewelry safely tucked away in your jewelry box while traveling, but, with some thoughtful planning, there’s no reason why you can’t be perfectly accessorized on your vacation. Here’s some quick tips and tricks I’ve picked up from years of traveling with Local Charm jewelry:

1) If you are worried about losing a valuable or sentimental piece while traveling, consider purchasing a stand-in. A piece from the Luxe Designs collection, for example, can easily be mistaken for a classically styled engagement or wedding ring.

2) Don’t feel as though you must have different jewelry to match each outfit you pack. Think about versatility – a statement necklace or a great pair of Sterling Silver hoops will work with multiple looks. Check out my list of jewelry staples for some great ideas!

3) Think about your destination. A few striking pieces made of shell are perfect for a beach vacation!
4) There are tons of jewelry storage solutions designed especially for travel, but, if you ask me, few of them seem worth the price. I’ve seen some great DIY solutions, from using a weekly pill box for smaller items to stringing necklaces through drinking straws to avoids tangles and kinks. I just pack my pieces in their Local Charm black velvet pouches, then bundle them together in a Ziplock bag or large jewelry pouch. Never check your jewelry in your luggage – pack your pieces in your purse or carry-on whenever possible to avoid loss, theft, and damage.

5) Check before you travel to see if there is a store in your destination city – jewelry makes a great souvenir!
Where are you taking your summer vacation? What will you be wearing? I want to hear from you!