Fall's Must-Have Accessories

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I know some people may still be on their summer beach vacations, but I’m already thinking about fall. I can’t help it -- isn’t fashion always thinking about what’s coming up next? And while I see a ton of new trends that I’d like to try out, when I look into my wardrobe and think about falling leaves and pumpkin spice lattes, my mind always travels to my must-have autumn accessories.
1. A great pair of leather boots. The change in seasons always affects my footwear first. Even if I’m still wearing short sleeves, I’ll be switching out my sandals and ballet flats for my favorite knee-high riding boots at the first sign of autumn. Boots are a fashion must, but I think it’s important for every woman to find a pair that fits her fashion sense and lifestyle. Mid-calf and anklet-style boots have both been trendy as of late, and, if you are truly daring, you may want to try an over-the-knee style. I love my riding boots because they never seem to go out of style, and I can wear them just as easily with jeans and a t-shirt as I can with a structured dress.

2. The perfect cozy scarf. I prefer something in a bright jewel tone. On warmer fall days I use it for that extra bit of warmth (and to cover my hair during freak autumn rainstorms when I am caught without an umbrella). When the weather cools down a bit more, it can always be matched with a fall or winter jacket.
3. Statement earrings. I love scarves, but they cause a deep dilemma for me. If I am wearing a scarf, how will anyone ever see my necklace? My solution: consider fall the perfect time to rock all of my biggest and boldest earrings. When winter comes a hat or earmuffs will become a necessity in Chicago; my earrings will become less of a focus. Fall is the time to show off all of my shoulder-dusters, chunky stone styles, and giant hoops.

4. Fingerless gloves. I know these may not always be on trend, but I have a few pairs and I love them for two reasons. First, I can show off my rings! Second, I don’t have to take them off to use my phone while I am waiting for the train. Fashionable and practical!
5. A long necklace. A long necklace works with just about any neckline, and will still peek out from behind a scarf (yay!). A long chain with a pendant is a classic, but why not try out one of fall’s big accessory trends and wear a longer link-style chain?
What items in your wardrobe just say “fall” to you? What pieces will you pick up this season to update your look?